Environmental benefits of metal roofing

Environmental benefits of metal roofing Have you been wondering about how a new metal roof can be good for the environment? Are you looking for ways to save on heating and A/C in your home? A metal roof can add numerous benefits to your life and the environment around...

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How much does a new metal roof increase the value of my home?

How much does a new metal roof increase the value of my home?

How much does a new metal roof increase the value of my home? Over the centuries, a variety of materials have served as home roofing, including asphalt shingles, wood shingles, and different kinds of slate or clay tiling. Metal is a durable home roofing material....

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Some Eco-friendly Roofing Options

Some eco-friendly roofing options Many people are trying to adopt a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle. So they recycle paper and aluminum, put timers on their lights, set thermostats differently when no one is home, or install low-flow toilets and other...

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